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This is a relatively new project for me, so there's not so much of a story to tell here yet... There is a story to how we got here though...

The genesis.

Gardener carrying plants in pots in an allotment in england

Me - Tom 

I've always had my hands in the soil growing things. From designing and installing edible dementia and 'healing' gardens in Care Homes and Hospitals, to doing my Bsc in Environmental Science, to becoming a fully qualified tree surgeon...

Me - Tom 

Getting People Growing warehouse in ashe warren farm with snow on the roof and barn doors designing and creating grow your own microgreen kits, and founding the industry-leading Getting People Growing...


But that wasn't enough!

Microgreens are awesome but they're also small... and after working more and more in peoples' home gardens and talking to them about growing veg, I realised that setting up the vegetable beds, whilst well intentioned, just wasn't enough.

Broccoli microgreens with terracotta tray with white background
Vegetable planting plan with different plants growing at the same time

So, I went home and started planning out what was going to be a simple planting plan to hand out to people whose gardens I worked in. During the process I got obsessed with which vegetables to choose for flavour, nutrition, ease and speed.

Easy = Doable.

And which methods to use to cut out all the unnecessary extras so commonly done - to make the process as streamlined, as easy and as rewarding and fun as possible.

Growing your own food is important for so many reasons: it's great for your local and the wider environment, and it's amazing for your mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. That's why, if you want to do it... I'd love to help you :)  

Man in blue hat and top walking in allotment on cloudy day in england

Let's go.

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